Wed 08 Jan
NEW 💥NEW 💥 NEW 💋💋 EXOTIC •*☆*•° Addictive •*☆*•° BABES👄💋💦 1& 2 GiRl SHow 💋💋 - 21
Tue 07 Jan
Need A Release Tonight? Affectionate Petite Brunette - I Love to Please! - 29
(Pittsburgh, South side)
Sexy independent blonde ....ill do it just the way u like it baby get the best forget the rest😘😘 - 24
(Cranberry Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh)
TS LILLY- Here Visiting Until Saturday With 32DD Implants & The Best 10" Experience - 22
(Pittsburgh, ROBINSON HOTEL)
Foot Fetish? Dominant, beautiful brunnette looking for PHONE SEX! - 27
(Center City, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh)
You tired of The Fakes and phonies I'm the real deal! Well hung looking for the best Of The Best - 22
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville/ Pittsburgh pa)
Thirsty Thursday..... Unrushed * Fun * Teaseing * Play Ful & Plenty MORE !!! - 24
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/Ur PLace :))
** TRUE*** XXX-RÅTD FUN!! ᬹ Mind Blowing & To Curling XXX-PRINC!! ** am (SPECIALS) - 23
(Green Tree, in/Outcall)
NEW** FreaKy To The CoRe! (?) *JUicy Booty* (?) YoUr DiRtY LiTtLe SeCret (?) 80 - 22
(Pittsburgh, Greentree Pittsburgh)
( ( ( JEN IS E V E R Y T H I N G U R L O O K I N G ____ F O R ) ) ) ✰ (412) 943-7095 ✰ - 25
!!! I * N * T * O * X* I * C * A * T* I * N * G ! specials!!! -80$pecials - 24
(Robinson Mall Area 80$PECIALS)
»--» L E A V I N G T O D A Y ___ H U R R Y D O N 'T M I S S O U T__=] __ X O X O - 20
(Pittsburgh, INCALL)
K¡ηkγ ❥—» δωεε† ₰ ©υr√γ ❥—»δε∂υ©†¡√ε ❥—»【BlOnde FRєαK】GrEEn EyEd❤ — ▀▄▀—PaRtY❤—— ▀▄▀— ViXeN ❤ ▄ - 25
(Pittsburgh, Outcalls Everywhere 24/7 OUTCALLS ONLY)
_♥_ HOTT _♥_ BRUNETTE ||||| POLiSH _&_ NATiVE AMERiCAN _ PLAYMATE _♥ _ - 21
(-♥- MonroeVille -♥- ViSiTiNG)
*** HOTT*** 38 DD...AFTER WORK...$100 $ in call specials ..... - 23
(Pittsburgh, Airport/Washington surrounding area)
👅💦 😍🙌💯❤Bootylicious ❤Chocolate ➓ •♛Nastasha❤★【KiLLєR💋 CuRvEs】★【★in/out calls★】•♛ ❤❤100% Real - 21
(ieast pgh, Pittsburgh)
► █ █ █ ► BREATHTAKING BRuneTTe===> (( K_i_L_L_e_R ™ B_o_D_Y ))
Seeking Males and Females for Website and Video Work - 37
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh area and surrounding)
★ FEMALE CAUCASIAN STRIPPERS ★ Private VIP Shows and Parties ★ $300 to $900+ per Booking - 35
CLICK Here ★AVAILABLE Now👇100% REAL Pictures ★HEY GUYS !! FACETIME 📱Highly Reviewed✨ - 22
(Pittsburgh, Southside Slops / Downtown)
Natrual Beauty❇TS Honesty💦💦 🚫 ST0P H€R€! 'SexyMixedTreat!!🚫 ▶ #1 🌟 M@G!© Lip'S💋👅U want😜 - 19 - 19
Rosci in your area LOOKING for the Gentlemen that Are Looking for Pleasurable Experiences - 22
";*; " ¤ SOFT ¤ LiPs ¤ ";*;" -- with -- ";*;" HIPS to GriP -- ¤ *SPECIALS* C@LL NoW!!! - 26
(Pittsburgh, ◺ MoNrOeViLLe Area◺)
New (( *AmAzing CuRvEs )) * (( *BlOnDe BuStY TreAt!* ))(( *REAL PICS* ))(( *InCall* )) - 22
(Pittsburgh, Crafton Incall/Outcall Everywhere)
*__ ; __*( OnE )*_ ; _*( iN a )*__; _*( MiLLioN )*_ _* *iTs PlAy TiMe BoYs! UP ALL NIGHT!!! - 21
💋HALEY!! Brunette, Busty, and Petite! Cash/credit!💋 - 22
(Pittsburgh, Washington, cranberry, airport)
Hey you wan't 2 party?? Its Angela . Midnight specials - 23
(Pittsburgh, Shadyside off 5th. 412 727 6793)
Gorgeous blonde ....well reviewed....Let's start this weekend off stress free.. - 35
(Pittsburgh, 5 minute West of pittsburgh)
GONE @ NOON! ☎ --- All these girls and NO Reviews? My REVIEWS prove I'm the perfect girl 4 u! - 27
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville Ins/ Outcall Gr8 RVWS 129524)
▒█ ❤❤Exceptionally Discrete & 1000% Real One Of A Kind LACY 412-427-7437 █▒█ ❤❤ - 21
(Pittsburgh, GREENTREE)
A+ Serivce Experience a Really Amazing ♥ ♥ Services - A+ CHECK US OUT !! - 23
(Pittsburgh, PGH)
80 dollar specials enjoyment I take my time426078302 - 34
(monroeville right next to monroeville ma, Pittsburgh)
$60>Look Sexxxy Exxxotic Egyptian Beauty ThE Best. Will be in pitt this afternoon.schd apts now!! - 25
(GrEeN tRee)
6573332280 ThICk C@PrIS R3DD 48H ItALIaN&RiCaN; B0MbSh3LL100 SpECIaLS•°•° - 21
(Pittsburgh, monroville Incalls / outcalls)
***** Caucasian TS 110% Drug Free, Healthy, Rip-off Free Available throughout the Holidays ***** - 412
(Pittsburgh Area)
YES YES YES SHES HERE( OUTCALL ONLY Pittsburgh and surrounding areas) - 27
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,PA surrounding areas)
☆ xXx ☆ G U A ® A N T D P L A S U ® E ☆ xXx ☆ - 22
😳😱🔥👄 XRÆTED your dirty little secret 😈😩😋 WARNING 🙈🙊 HIGHLY ADDICTING 💦💧 - 20
(New Stanton Greensburg, Pittsburgh)
You've found the girl of your dreams....Sexy petite model shaped body! Ready now:) - 21
(Pittsburgh, Cranberry/Pittsburgh)